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Year 5 Learning

Academic Year 2023-2024

Science topic

As part of our Science topic, living things and their habitats, Year 5 visited Shepreth Wildlife Park where we learnt a lot about animals’ diets and their needs.

We also used our experience as a starting point for one of our English writing tasks- a balanced argument:

Should we feed animals in wildlife parks?

The children loved the exciting experience of being close to so many different creatures. We also had an interesting educational lesson led by a zoo expert, who taught us many interesting facts about the habitats in general.

French in Year 5

Children in Year 5 have been enjoying using the iPads to consolidate their knowledge of the rooms of the house in French. We have used the interactive games from the Language Angels website to learn French vocabulary through fun.

Anglo-Saxon and Viking Day

Year 5 were joined by History off the Page and put in the midst of the action as Vikings and Saxons! During the morning, they took on everyday tasks including weaving, pottery, metal working and candlemaking, using materials and tools to learn skills as apprentices. In the afternoon, children looked at this time period from a historical perspective and used archaeology to understand how we have learned about the historical tasks performed in the morning. We had a brilliant day and didn’t want it to end!

Computing in Year 5

Children in Year 5 have been enjoying a unit on Purple Mash called 3D Modelling. Using the house template on ‘2Design and Make’, they have learnt how to use repeating patterns to design the brickwork and roof on a house. This unit also has a helpful cross-curricular link to the vocabulary learnt in Maths, as children are designing on the nets of the object, before viewing the 3D model.