School Timings
Below is a table which displays the timings of the school day and drop off and collection points.
Start Time | Year Group | Entrance and Exit Point | End Time |
8.45am | Nursery AM | Playground Gate - Nursery Outside Area Gate | 11.45am |
12.30pm | Nursery PM | Playground Gate - Nursery Outside Area Gate | 3.30pm |
8.45am | Reception | Playground Gate - Reception Outside Doors | 3.15pm |
8.45am | 1 | Playground Gate - Y1 Classroom Outside Doors | 3.15pm |
8.45am | 2 | Playground Gate - Y2 Classroom Outside Doors | 3.15pm |
8.45am | 3 | Playground Gate - Door Closest to Hall | 3.15pm |
8.45am | 4 | Playground Gate - Door Closest to Hall | 3.15pm |
8.45am | 5 | Playground Gate - Atrium Doors | 3.15pm |
8.45am | 6 | Playground Gate - Atrium Doors | 3.15pm |
The main school gate will be closed with no access to the car park between: 8.30am – 9.05am and 3pm – 3.45pm